
Koma consists of several modules:


Koma has two core interfaces that define the available data containers:

Interface Dimensions Non-numerical Elements Math Operations Convenience Methods for Generation
koma.matrix.Matrix<T> 2 N LinAlg + Elementwise Matrix.doubleFactory
koma.ndarray.NDArray<T> Arbitrary Y Elementwise NDArray.createGeneric(...)

NDArray is a N-dimensional container that can hold arbitrary data types, with optimized implementations provided if they contain primitives. Matrix is a container that is restricted to 2D and numerical types, but enables linear algebra operations which can be accelerated by available platform libraries.

The koma-core-api module defines all of the functionality that a koma-core implementation must provide. If you are writing a library that uses Koma and wish to allow the user to select their own core implementation, you can depend on the API artifact (com.kyonifer:koma-core-api-{platform}:{version}) only, thus allowing the user to select the core implementation when they depend on your library.

koma-core Implementations

An implementation of koma-core will provide implementations of the koma-core-api; more specifically, it must implement Matrix, MatrixFactory, and NDArray.

Koma provides a set of koma-core implementations you can choose from. All of the implementations currently share an implementation of NDArray, but delegate to different platform-specific libraries for linear algebra operations on Matrix. Here's a summary of the currently available backends:

Artifact Supported Platforms Provided Classes ...which implement (respectively)
koma-core-js JS DefaultDoubleMatrix*
koma-core-mtj JVM MTJMatrix
koma-core-ejml JVM EJMLMatrix
koma-core-jblas JVM JBlasMatrix
koma-core-cblas Native CBlasMatrix

Each of the backends uses an external library optimized for the platform to do the actual computation. For example, backend-matrix-ejml uses the EJML library for matrix operations. Thus the core interfaces above serve as a facade for dispatching work to platform-specific libraries in the backends.

* Only contains support for basic functionality like additions or multiplications.


Currently a WIP and only on the JVM, koma-plotting provides a barebones plotting capability.

Enabling Backends

On Kotlin/Native

On Kotlin/Native the CBlas matrix backend is automatically included in the built artifacts by default, so no additional action is needed. The CBlasMatrix it provides will delegate work to the available blas and lapack libraries on your system.

On Kotlin/JVM or Kotlin/JS

Once you've chosen which backend you want to use, you can enable it by adding it to your gradle dependencies. For example, if you would like to use the Matrix container based on MTJ, you can add the corresponding artifact listed above to your build.gradle dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile group: "com.kyonifer", name:"koma-core-mtj", version: $komaVersion

Koma should now pick up the new backend and use it for the top-level functions with no further action required. Continue to the next section if you are interested in forcing which backend is used.

Multiple Backends at Once

Koma supports using multiple backends simultaneously. This is useful if e.g. you need to work with multiple libraries which require different matrix containers.

To begin, list more than one backend in your build.gradle dependencies. For example, to have both EJML and MTJ available you might write:

dependencies {
    compile group: "koma", name:"koma-core-mtj", version: $komaVersion
    compile group: "koma", name:"koma-core-ejml", version: $komaVersion

You can now change the backend being used by koma's top-level functions at any time by setting a property in the koma namespace. In Kotlin this looks like:

import koma.matrix.ejml.EJMLMatrixFactory
import koma.matrix.mtj.MTJMatrixFactory

// Make subsequent function calls use the EJML backend
koma.factory = EJMLMatrixFactory()

val a = zeros(3,3) // An EJMLMatrix

// Make subsequent function calls use the MTJ backend
// (doesnt affect previous returns)
koma.factory = MTJMatrixFactory()

val b = zeros(3,3) // Now returns an MTJMatrix

This property can be set from Java and other languages via koma.Options.setFactory(...). If not set, koma will default to using MTJ, EJML, and then JBlas in that order.

It is also possible to create any matrix type manually by using the corresponding factory. For example, even if koma.factory is set to MTJMatrixFactory, you could write

val eFac = EJMLMatrixFactory()
val a = eFac.eye(3, 3)
val b = eFac.ones(3, 3)
println(a+b) // Uses EJML's addition algorithm, not MTJ's

Interoperating with Other Linear Algebra Libraries

Suppose you are using the EJML backend, and you need to use some code that is expecting to receive EJML's SimpleMatrix type. You can get ahold of the underlying SimpleMatrix by using the storage property:

val a = EJMLMatrixFactory().ones(3,3)

This makes it easy to use libraries requiring different matrix containers simultaneously.