api / koma.internal.default.generated.ndarray / DefaultByteNDArray


open class DefaultByteNDArray :NDArray<Byte>

An (unoptimized) implementation of NDArray in pure Kotlin, for portability between the different platforms koma supports.


shape - A vararg specifying the size of each dimension, e.g. a 3D array with size 4x6x8 would pass in 4,6,8)

init - A function that takes a location in the new array and returns its initial value.


Name Summary
<init> DefaultByteNDArray(vararg shape:Int, init: (IntArray) ->Byte)
An (unoptimized) implementation of NDArray in pure Kotlin, for portability between the different platforms koma supports.


Name Summary
shape vararg val shape:IntArray
A vararg specifying the size of each dimension, e.g. a 3D array with size 4x6x8 would pass in 4,6,8)
size open val size:Int


Name Summary
copy open fun copy():NDArray<Byte>
getBaseArray open fun getBaseArray():Any
getByte open fun getByte(i:Int):Byte
getDouble open fun getDouble(i:Int):Double
getFloat open fun getFloat(i:Int):Float
getGeneric open fun getGeneric(vararg indices:Int):Byte
open fun getGeneric(i:Int):Byte
getInt open fun getInt(i:Int):Int
getLong open fun getLong(i:Int):Long
getShort open fun getShort(i:Int):Short
setByte open fun setByte(i:Int, v:Byte):Unit
setDouble open fun setDouble(i:Int, v:Double):Unit
setFloat open fun setFloat(i:Int, v:Float):Unit
setGeneric open fun setGeneric(i:Int, value:Byte):Unit
open fun setGeneric(vararg indices:Int, value:Byte):Unit
setInt open fun setInt(i:Int, v:Int):Unit
setLong open fun setLong(i:Int, v:Long):Unit
setShort open fun setShort(i:Int, v:Short):Unit
shape open fun shape():List<Int>

Inherited Functions

Name Summary
getByte open fun getByte(vararg indices:Int):Byte
getDouble open fun getDouble(vararg indices:Int):Double
getFloat open fun getFloat(vararg indices:Int):Float
getInt open fun getInt(vararg indices:Int):Int
getLinear open fun ~~getLinear~~(index:Int):T
getLong open fun getLong(vararg indices:Int):Long
getShort open fun getShort(vararg indices:Int):Short
iterateIndices open fun iterateIndices():Iterable<IndexIterator>
setByte open fun setByte(vararg indices:Int, v:Byte):Unit
setDouble open fun setDouble(vararg indices:Int, v:Double):Unit
setFloat open fun setFloat(vararg indices:Int, v:Float):Unit
setInt open fun setInt(vararg indices:Int, v:Int):Unit
setLinear open fun ~~setLinear~~(index:Int, value:T):Unit
setLong open fun setLong(vararg indices:Int, v:Long):Unit
setShort open fun setShort(vararg indices:Int, v:Short):Unit
toIterable open fun toIterable():Iterable<T>
toList open fun toList():List<T>
Converts this NDArray into a one-dimensional List in row-major order.
toMutableList open fun toMutableList():MutableList<T>
Converts this NDArray into a one-dimensional MutableList in row-major order.

Extension Functions

Name Summary
checkIndices fun <T>NDArray<T>.checkIndices(indices:IntArray):IntArray
checkLinearIndex fun <T>NDArray<T>.checkLinearIndex(index:Int):Int
div operator funNDArray<Byte>.div(other:Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fill funNDArray<Byte>.fill(f: (idx:IntArray) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.fill(f: (idx:IntArray) ->T):NDArray<T>
fillBoth funNDArray<Byte>.fillBoth(f: (nd:IntArray, linear:Int) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.fillBoth(f: (nd:IntArray, linear:Int) ->T):NDArray<T>
fillLinear funNDArray<Byte>.fillLinear(f: (idx:Int) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.fillLinear(f: (idx:Int) ->T):NDArray<T>
forEach funNDArray<Byte>.forEach(f: (ele:Byte) ->Unit):Unit
fun <T>NDArray<T>.forEach(f: (ele:T) ->Unit):Unit
Takes each element in a NDArray and passes them through f.
forEachIndexed funNDArray<Byte>.forEachIndexed(f: (idx:Int, ele:Byte) ->Unit):Unit
fun <T>NDArray<T>.forEachIndexed(f: (idx:Int, ele:T) ->Unit):Unit
Takes each element in a NDArray and passes them through f. Index given to f is a linear index, depending on the underlying storage major dimension.
forEachIndexedN funNDArray<Byte>.forEachIndexedN(f: (idx:IntArray, ele:Byte) ->Unit):Unit
fun <T>NDArray<T>.forEachIndexedN(f: (idx:IntArray, ele:T) ->Unit):Unit
Takes each element in a NDArray and passes them through f. Index given to f is the full ND index of the element.
linearToNIdx fun <T>NDArray<T>.linearToNIdx(linear:Int):IntArray
Given the 1D index of an element in the underlying storage, find the corresponding ND index. Inverse of nIdxToLinear.
map funNDArray<Byte>.map(f: (Byte) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.map(f: (T) ->T):DefaultGenericNDArray<T>
Takes each element in a NDArray, passes them through f, and puts the output of f into an output NDArray.
mapIndexed funNDArray<Byte>.mapIndexed(f: (idx:Int, ele:Byte) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.mapIndexed(f: (idx:Int, ele:T) ->T):DefaultGenericNDArray<T>
Takes each element in a NDArray, passes them through f, and puts the output of f into an output NDArray. Index given to f is a linear index, depending on the underlying storage major dimension.
mapIndexedN funNDArray<Byte>.mapIndexedN(f: (idx:IntArray, ele:Byte) ->Byte):NDArray<Byte>
fun <T>NDArray<T>.mapIndexedN(f: (idx:IntArray, ele:T) ->T):NDArray<T>
Takes each element in a NDArray, passes them through f, and puts the output of f into an output NDArray. Index given to f is the full ND index of the element.
minus operator funNDArray<Byte>.minus(other:Byte):NDArray<Byte>
operator funNDArray<Byte>.minus(other:NDArray<Byte>):NDArray<Byte>
nIdxToLinear fun <T>NDArray<T>.nIdxToLinear(indices:IntArray):Int
Given a ND index into this array, find the corresponding 1D index in the raw underlying 1D storage array.
plus operator funNDArray<Byte>.plus(other:Byte):NDArray<Byte>
operator funNDArray<Byte>.plus(other:NDArray<Byte>):NDArray<Byte>
pow infix funNDArray<Byte>.pow(exponent:Int):NDArray<Byte>
safeNIdxToLinear fun <T>NDArray<T>.safeNIdxToLinear(indices:IntArray):Int
set operator funNDArray<Byte>.set(vararg indices:Int, value:NDArray<Byte>):Unit
operator funNDArray<Byte>.set(vararg indices:Int, value:Byte):Unit
operator fun <T>NDArray<T>.set(vararg indices:Int, value:NDArray<T>):Unit
operator fun <T>NDArray<T>.set(vararg indices:Int, value:T):Unit
times operator funNDArray<Byte>.times(other:NDArray<Byte>):NDArray<Byte>
operator funNDArray<Byte>.times(other:Byte):NDArray<Byte>
toByteArray funNDArray<Byte>.toByteArray():ByteArray
Converts this NDArray into a one-dimensional ByteArray in row-major order.
toMatrixOrNull fun <T>NDArray<T>.toMatrixOrNull():Matrix<T>?
toTypedArray fun <T>NDArray<T>.toTypedArray():Array<T>
Converts this NDArray into a one-dimensional Array in row-major order.
unaryMinus operator funNDArray<Byte>.unaryMinus():NDArray<Byte>
widthOfDims fun <T>NDArray<T>.widthOfDims():ArrayList<Int>