api / koma.util.test

Package koma.util.test


Name Summary
allBackends fun allBackends(f: () ->Unit):Unit
A helper function to run tests against all available backends in sequence. Sets koma.factory to each backend consecutively and then runs the passed in block of code. Note that code that manually sets its own backend (e.g. by creating a MTJMatrix instance explicitly) will not be affected by this function. Code that uses top-level functions and generic Matrix functions should work correctly.
assertMatrixEquals fun <T :Number> assertMatrixEquals(expected:Matrix<T>, actual:Matrix<T>, eps:Double= 1e-6):Unit
Asserts that a matrix expected, koma.matrix.Matrix((koma.util.test.assertMatrixEquals.T)), kotlin.Double)/expected) roughly equals a matrix actual, koma.matrix.Matrix((koma.util.test.assertMatrixEquals.T)), kotlin.Double)/actual). eps is the acceptable numerical error.